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Tracking Transactions

This guide explains to how to track transactions, and when it can be insufficient to use automatic tracking vs using manual tracking.

The importance of tracking transactions

Tracking transactions via the SDK is required for the 0xArc App to fully benefit from the SDK. Without transaction events, we have no transaction hashes to match against the blockchain data we index, and the 0xArc App will not be able to show transaction data.

Automatic vs Manual tracking of transactions

If you are automatically tracking transactions with the non-react .init() method, the SDK automatically tracks the TRANSACTION_TRIGGERED event and TRANSACTION_SUBMITTED events for you, but only for MetaMask.

If you are using the React Provider, you are required need to manually track transactions.

Event with the non-react .init() method, manual tracking allows for more fine-grained control over the tracking process.

How to manually track the transaction process

Required events

When manually tracking the transaction process, you are required to at a minimum track the following events with the SDK, so 0xArc has the necessary information to match your SDK events to the blockchain:

  1. Wallet Connection
  2. Transaction - Required for us to have the transactionHash to match the transaction against the blockchain

Note that if you do not track these 2 events, the SDK will not be able to match the transaction to the blockchain, and the transaction will not be shown in the 0xArc App.

Although not strictly required, we strongly encourage you to also track the following events:

  1. Chain Changed - Required for us to know which chain the transaction took place on
  2. Signing Events - for a complete picture

React Example of Required Events

The below is an example which shows how you would track the minimum required events to track a transaction, with the @web3-react/core library.

import { useArcxAnalytics } from '@0xarc-io/analytics'
import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core'

const Component = () => {
const sdk = useArcxAnalytics()
const { account, chainId } = useWeb3React()

// 1. This is where you emit the wallet connection once the user has connected their web3 wallet
useEffect(() => {
if (account && chainId && sdk) {
sdk.wallet({ account, chainId })
}, [account, chainId, sdk])

// 2. The user has triggered a transaction. We send this to the SDK with the transaction hash
const sendTransaction = async () => {
// Example: Simulating a transaction call
// In a real scenario, you would replace this with your transaction logic,
// for example, using ethers.js or web3.js to interact with a smart contract

const transactionHash = '0x023c0e7...' // Placeholder for the actual transaction hash

// Assuming the transaction was successful and you have the hash
// Now, track the transaction using the analytics SDK

return (
<button onClick={sendTransaction}>Trigger Transaction</button>

Adding additional custom events

Let's say you wanted to figure out: how many users are opening their wallet vs completing a transaction.

By only emitting the transaction event, we don't know the answer to this.

By using custom events, we can track every step of the transaction process, and figure out the answer to this question - or any other question related to drop off rates.

We solve this in the example below by emitting a custom event called WALLET_OPENED to indicate that the user opened their wallet. Again, we can name the custom event whatever we want, and add any metadata we want. The values above are for demonstration purposes.

Now we have a complete picture of the transaction process from the point of opening a wallet to submitting a transaction. This allows us to create a Funnel in 0xArc App to answer our question above.

We can add additional events between the trigger and submission to capture more information as desired. See the Custom Events Guide for more info.

React Example

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useArcxAnalytics } from '@0xarc-io/analytics'
import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core'
import { injected } from './web3Provider'

const Component = () => {
const sdk = useArcxAnalytics()
const { account, chainId, activate, library } = useWeb3React()

// 1. Track wallet connections
useEffect(() => {
if (account && chainId && sdk) {
sdk.wallet({ account, chainId })
}, [account, chainId, sdk])

// 2. Track when the chain changes
useEffect(() => {
if (sdk && chainId) {
// If the chain ID is changed, we emit the chain changed event
sdk.chain({ chainId })
}, [chainId, sdk])

const connectWallet = async () => {
// This function call opens the MetaMask wallet,
// triggering the useEffect below once the user connects
await activate(injected)

// Example: Simulating a transaction call and tracking when the transaction was triggered and signed
const onSwapClicked = async () => {
const signer = library.getSigner(account)

// 3. Track a custom event when the swap starts
sdk.event('SWAP_STARTED', {
from: account,
to: '0x...',
amount: 42,

const tx = await signer.sendTransaction({ to: '0x...', value: 42 })

// 4. Track the signed transaction
transactionHash: tx.hash,
metadata: {
action: 'SWAP',

return (
<button onClick={connectWallet}>Connect Wallet</button>
<button onClick={onSwapClicked}>Swap</button>

As you can see in the example above, we also show how triggering the chain change event look in practice.

Confirming a Submitted Transaction

Assuming you've sent the required .transaction() event as earlier outlined, 0xArc will automatically match the transaction hash of the transaction event to the submitted transaction on the blockchain, and confirm if a transaction was completed or not.

This is possible since 0xArc pre-indexes all transaction data from the blockchain and matches the transaction hashes of the transaction events to the blockchain data.