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Wallet Connection Events

Wallet Connection Events are logged whenever a user connects their wallet to the dApp.

These must be manually tracked when using the NPM package.

Wallet connections are automatically tracked for MetaMask only, when using the Script Tag method. To disable automatic tracking in the Script Tag, set the trackWalletConnections config option to false.

Basic Usage

To manually track wallet connection events, use the .wallet() method on the SDK instance.


  • attributes (object)
    • chainId (number | string) - the chain ID to which this address is connected on.
    • account (string) - the address of the connected wallet on the supplied chain.

React Example

Below is a basic example of how to track a wallet connection event.

import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core'
import { useArcxAnalytics } from '@0xarc-io/analytics'

const WalletConnectionTracker = () => {
const { account, chainId } = useWeb3React()
const sdk = useArcxAnalytics()

// Effect runs when `account` or `chainId` changes
// Once the chainId and account values are available, track the wallet connection with the SDK
// As the wallet is now connected
useEffect(() => {
if (account && chainId && sdk) {
}, [account, chainId, sdk]) // Re-run this effect if account or chainId changes

return <div>Tracking wallet connections with useWeb3React.</div>

Note: the useWeb3React hook is not required to track wallet connections. You can use any library you want to get the account and chainId values. This library is for demonstration purposes, from the Uniswap web3-react library.

JS Example

import { ArcxAnalyticsSdk } from '@0xarc-io/analytics'

const sdk = await ArcxAnalyticsSdk.init('YOUR_API_KEY', { trackWalletConnections: false })

await sdk.wallet({
account: '0x123',
chainId: 1,