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Wallet Disconnection Events

Wallet Disconnection Events are logged whenever a user disconnects their wallet from the dApp.

This function will clear the cached known chain ID and account.

These must be manually tracked when using the NPM package.

Basic Usage

To manually track wallet disconnection events, use the .disconnection() method on the SDK instance.


  • attributes (object, optional)
    • account (string, optional) - The disconnected account address. If not provided, the function will use the previously recorded account address.
    • chainId (number | string, optional) - The chain ID from which the wallet was disconnected. If not passed, the function will use the previously recorded chain ID.

React Example

import { useArcxAnalytics } from '@0xarc-io/analytics'

const Component = () => {
const sdk = useArcxAnalytics()

const handleClick = async () => {
await sdk.disconnection({
account: '0x123',
chainId: 1,

return <button onClick={handleClick}>Send Event</button>

JS Example

import { ArcxAnalyticsSdk } from '@0xarc-io/analytics'

const sdk = await ArcxAnalyticsSdk.init('YOUR_API_KEY')

await sdk.disconnection()