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NPM + React (Recommended)

React is the recommended way to use the SDK.

This method utilises a React Provider to initialize the SDK.

When using the React Provider, Click Events and Page Events are automatically tracked. For the SDK to properly work, you must manually track Wallet Connection and Transaction Events. Follow this guide for instructions.

1. Import the React Provider

Import the SDK React Provider at the top of your component tree

import { ArcxAnalyticsProvider } from '@0xarc-io/analytics'

2. Wrap your tree with the provider

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { ArcxAnalyticsProvider } from '@0xarc-io/analytics'
import App from './App' // Import your main App component

const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY' // Replace with your actual 0xArc analytics API key

const RootComponent = () => (
<ArcxAnalyticsProvider apiKey={apiKey}>
<App />

ReactDOM.render(<RootComponent />, document.getElementById('root'))

If you haven't already, you can retrieve your API key by following the instructions in the Retrieve your API Key docs.

Once you have your API key, pass it to the provider as a prop, as demonstrated in the example above.

Note that the apiKey prop is required. The key is a string that uniquely identifies your project. Since it is a public key, you can safely expose it to the client.

3. Start tracking

To disable the automatic tracking of Click & Page Events, see here.

As mentioned earlier, you must manually track Wallet Connection and Transaction Events for the SDK to work properly.

The below is an example which shows how you would track the minimum required events to track a transaction, with the @web3-react/core library.

import { useArcxAnalytics } from '@0xarc-io/analytics'
import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core'

const Component = () => {
const sdk = useArcxAnalytics()
const { account, chainId } = useWeb3React()

// 2. This is where you emit the wallet connection once the user has connected their web3 wallet
useEffect(() => {
if (account && chainId && sdk) {
sdk.wallet({ account, chainId })
}, [account, chainId, sdk])

// 3. The user has triggered a transaction. We send this to the SDK with the transaction hash
const sendTransaction = async () => {
// Example: Simulating a transaction call
// In a real scenario, you would replace this with your transaction logic,
// for example, using ethers.js or web3.js to interact with a smart contract

const transactionHash = '0x023c0e7...' // Placeholder for the actual transaction hash

// Assuming the transaction was successful and you have the hash
// Now, track the transaction using the analytics SDK

return (
<button onClick={sendTransaction}>Trigger Transaction</button>

Tracking Other SDK Events

If you would like to track other events like Signing Events, Chain Change Events, or Wallet Disconnection Events, you can do so by following the instructions in the respective guides linked.

Tracking Custom Events

If you would like to track custom events, you can do so by following the instructions in the Custom Events guide.